Thursday, 14 February 2019

kiwi can

L.1 Today at kiwi can we had a new kiwi can teacher and his name was Mr A pati.  He introduced him self to LS1 . After the we did are energizer called Eyes down and up.. And then we learn rules that we could use in the kiwi can class . We had talk to someone next to us. My one was a don't talk when the teacher talking and cross your legs and your hands. A next we played a game and it was called Midnight tunnels so we had to be in 3 groups my partners was miss Selplam and Teaxes so we had to be numbers 1 to 3 1 and Selpam was 2 and Teaxes was 3 so someone has to call a number and that number person has to run around the circle and the other partners has to make a tunnel and the preosn that running has to go under the tunnel and run to the hula hoop.

jackiee was a our second game so we had to be in  partners now and one has to be in front and when has to be at the back and the person at the has to run around the person in front and run around the circle and then go to there partners and then we had switch and switch so we can have turns

Our last game was GKQ so this game is that our leader will be saying a question we had to do buzz the first one to the buzz Fa that means they know the answer of the question and I lost. everyone won. And then we went to class.

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