Tuesday, 30 June 2020

QAR Question

This week for reading about QAR stratey. In a QAR question they are, Right there, Author and me, Think and sherch, and On my own. 

Right there is a question that is in the book and you can point and the answer.
Author and you is a question that is not in the book. You use you imagination and your knowledge of the book.  

Think and search is a question that is in the book. You find the answer is different places.
On my own is a question that is not in the book. It a question that you can aswer.

Then I had to tell people to follow my instructions. They are, First read the book, Next make a copy of the google draw with QAR Questions, Then read the question, and Lastly answer the question on your google draw.

Thursday, 25 June 2020


This week we are learning how to comment and getting a conversation going. Then we had to respond to Room 4 comment.

Then we had to make a response on a google doc.  Then we had to choose one group to use for our reply to room 4.

This is important because when you are in a meeting you would have to respond to each of sentences or questions they ask you.


In kiwi sport we learnt a new skill. This skill is called dig. The skill we learnt last time was called a set, under amr, and over arm.

How to dig in volleyball.
Place one leg in front. Then put your other leg behind.

Then release your arm down. When you do that body part it is faster to set above you head or dig.

Move you forearms together. Put your hands together in a rock shape.

Then when the ball is coming bend down and hit it.

This skills help because when the ball is below your neck you bend down and hit it with the skill.

Wednesday, 24 June 2020


This week for Maori we had to traslate words.

I translated the date. The date is Raapa teko me  o pipiri is friday the 25 of june. That is the date today. Then I had to traslate number. Rima te kau mano is 50000. 

Then i had to translate pictrue. For a example cold is kei te makariri, and hot is kie te wera.

This helps me to understand because I can finish my work if it is a Maori work.

Coding, Measuring, and angles

This week for maths we are learning coding, Measuring, and angle. Angle are distance truns direction to another. Measuring is measure how long of something.

Coding is using words, numbers, and symbols to describe a movement or make something do something. We played a game. In this game we had to use coding, Measuring, and angle. Then I had to play the game.

We had to role a dice and start at that number on the house. Then I role the dice again to travel to the other number house. I used protractors, rulers, and pencils to mark my spot.

Matariki Breakfast

 I read a book called Matariki Breakfast and I had to find words that are in the book that Verbs, Adjectives, and Nouns. 

Verds are actions or a doing word for example run walk. Adjectives is a discribing word For an example green. Nouns are name of a word for example chair it a name of something.

Summarising is helpful because it is faster to retell a story. In summarising you look for the main part for begining, middle and end.

LI.To identify vocabulary to summerise the text

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Information report

The learning is information report.  A information report is to inform other people about a certin topic. The structure of information report is, Title, introduction, information, and conclution.

I had to find facts. The fact that I like the most was, they are found near the coast and all around the world but in warm water in the sea. Why because I can go to beach with warm water and go some where deep and look for tiger sharks.  

Properties of light

Light is bright when it is shined on something. Light has many different properties.

One Properties of light is straght line. A Other Properties of light is refaction.

 Light can change directions when reflecting it using a mirror.  It depends on angle of the mirror because when the mirror truns 
Light can change direction when reflecting it using a mirror. It depends on the angle on of the mirror because when turning the mirror the direction of the light changes. The proves that light can reflect using a mirror.

Friday, 19 June 2020

Mass, length, and volume

This week for maths I learnt Mass, length, and volume. Mass is the amount of something.
Length is how long something is. Volume is the amount of space it takes up.

I solved six problems. Then I correct the problems using measuring cylinders, scales, and paper.

The equstion were 65 + 28 for paper, 93 - 34 for paper, 76 +37with scale 134 - 53with scale, 140 + 70 with water, and 210 - 60 with water.

What are open questions and closed. Open question is a question that you have a convertion with someone. Closed question is a question with one answer or a yes or no.


In volleyball there are two moves that I leant. They are called over arm and  under under.

How to over arm
Put one leg in front to create a stance. Do the same with your arm. For a example right hand right leg. Make a L shape with your arms. Put the ball on you weak hand. When you are about to hit it push the ball up and the hand on top hits it.

How to under arm
Put one hand in front. Make sure your hand in front is straight.
Then when you are about to hit the ball make sure you push that ball little but not high and hit with your hand that under.

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

What is a Information Report

LI. To uderstand the sturcure of a information report.

QAR questions

Right there, Think and search, Author and you, and On my own are special question.

Right there is a question that is in the book and you can point and the answer.
For a example Do you think dragons can fly?

Author and you is a question that is not in the book. You use you imagination and your knowledge of the book.  For a exapmle If you are dragons what would you do?

Think and search is a question that is in the book. You find the answer is different places.
For a example what things that dragons can do?

On my own is a question that is not in the book. It a question that you can aswer.
For a example can dragons fly?

This helps me because I can understand the question and where the information for the answer comes from.

Sunday, 14 June 2020

Attitude bronze

I got a badge. The bage was attude bronze. Why because participated in kiwi can I would do what they told me to do. I have finish my broze now I am on my silver.

Friday, 12 June 2020

Number chart

This week for Maori we are learning numbers in Maori.

I had to find a website that had numbers in Maori.

Then I had to find the Moari number and match with the English number.

Lastly we had to cheak if the numbers were right in Maori.

The date today is Wednesday the 10th of June/Rāapa teke Hune.


subtract place value

This week for maths I learnt how to subtract by using place value.

To subtract in place value first I wrote the question to solve. Then I took the second number and I spilt it. 164 - 46
46 = 40 + 6

I took the ones and take away from the big number.
164 - 6 = 140

Next I took away the ten. There is no hundreds in 46.
140 - 40 = 100

I found this faster because is was faster than using you hands.

volley ball kiwi sport

In volleyball there is one move that is always used is called a set. Set is when you serve in volleyball.

How to do a set  
Your left leg needs to be placed in front and your back leg. Make sure it is almost touching the floor this helps with balance.

 Keep your hands on top of your head when you are setting the ball

Put them 3cm apart  because that where the ball is landing.

When you are about to push the ball you push of your back leg and move your arm up.

Aboriginal art

For two weeks, we learnt about Aboriginal art. This art comes from Australia. I had one week of practice. I had to move my contton bud up and down not side to side. The art comes from a dream time story. We had to make a art that makes a story.

I chose one animal. Then I traced around the animal. I grab small animals to trace around.
I chose a big shark, small shark, small kangaroo and I chose other symbols.
There were two things to make the art they were, dots, and lines.
I only use dots and lines.

My story was about all the amials join together and worked to find water and food in the hot sun.

LI: to create art that tells a story using traditional methods.

Thursday, 11 June 2020

Light and Sound Vocabulary

Today we are learning about light and sound vocabulary.  First we had to connect a word witrh the meaning to the word.

Then we did an activity to Act, find, Anmiate, and draw.

We had to chose one word and use it on one of these.

I used a mirror and a torch. I had to make a video showing the refletions from the mirror.

My group did the other activites listed above.

LI. Research information about light and sound.

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Homonmys and Homographs

 Homonyms, and Homographs are a special groups of words that many people mix up and get confused with.

Homographs are words that have the same spelling but you say it differently and do not mean the same. Like lead and lead. lead is a heavy metal and lead is to guide someone.

Homonyms are words that sound the same, have the same spelling, but different meaning. For example scale and scale. Scale is fish skin and scale is for weighting people.

Summarising WIP

Summarising is looking for the key words. Vebs, Adjectives and noun are three different thing is writing.

Vebs are doing words or a actions word. For a example ran. Ran is like running but different spelling. 

Ajectives are words to discribe something. For an exapmle clever. it is discribing someone that is smart.

Noun is a naming words. For an example friends . Friends are people that you hang out with.

We will use this learning next week when we start the questioning strategy and QAR.

Thursday, 4 June 2020

Open question and close questions

 A Closed questions are a yes or no or one word answer. A Open question is like conversation with someone.

 Open questions example: Why do you like Christmas? Do you like home school or school? and why?
 Closed question example: Is rugby better then touch? Areis shoes better the socks?


Big Numbers

 Big numbers are used in place value like ones, thousands, and million. Each place value house has three house. They are ones, thousends and million.  They are three room.  It is ones, ten and hundred.

To read 547 829 316. First you say five hundred. Then say fourty seven then when you say that all you say million after five hundred and fourty seven.

Next is thousends. Say eight hundred. Then say twenty nine, put tem togther with thousands.

Lastly is ones. Say three hundred. Then say sixteen. If you put all does number togther that how you say 547 829 316.

Tuesday, 2 June 2020


Homophones are special to writing.

Homophone are words that sound the same but have different spelling and different meaning. For example one and won. one is a number and won is what you win.