Friday, 31 May 2019

new gymnastics moves

 L.I Leaning new gymnastics moves.
For gymnastics we had to get in are gruop. On the first rotation we had to role uround on the plank. Then you walk on a plank and you have to jump on the plank. Then you role done from the stage and the you buny hope you hope foud.
There is are new object and it cold bave role.

Basic facst

L.I Basic facst
For Basic facst my time was 00:04:09.
I think that is my fastest time. I usually take around 5minutes.
I did some mistakes and I fixed it.

How do dinosaur go to school.

L.I How do dinosaurs go to school
So my book is cold How do dinosaur go to school.
So what happen in the book. So in the book it tell us how do dinosaur do at school.
Like how do they get to school they hope on a car and they drive of to school.

Place value, Number line and number bonds

L.I To slove addition problems using palce value and number bonds on a number line.
I figure out what was 45 + 27 using number, place value and number line . So frist I was using place value to figure out what was the answer so the answer was 72. Then we tried it on the white board if it was the same answer and it was the same answer.

Thursday, 30 May 2019


LI: To write an End Result using the new adjectives in our vocab list.
So We wdere still leaning about end rasult and to go with it we were leaning about adjectives to.
A adjectives is an decrybing word.
  1. Look at this recipe.
  2. Copy and paste the End Result here:
The ika mata is a famous traditional dish made from raw fish
in lemon and coconut milk from the Cook Islands
  1. Highlight the adjectives.
  2. Type the End Result without adjectives here:
The ika mata is a dish made from raw fish marinated Coconut  from

Write your own End Result.

Write an end result for the procedure in the photo.


L.I Cyber smart and Collaborate.
For cyber smart we were leaning about collaborate so collaborate is when you join a group you finish your work together. We had to right are meme has you can see at our photo about collaborate.

Wednesday, 29 May 2019

All about rockets

                                               L.I We are leaing about rockets
So we are learing about rockets and rockets can be a rael rockets an fictianal spacecraft. There can be lots of rocket in this wold and you can shot rockets in each county We have only shot two rockets in mout Wellington. Have have talk about millennium facon and Saturn V.

For this one we had to find all of the place were they louch rockets so me and my partner did 10 and the country are Nz, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, France, Algeria, Egypt, Japan, Kazakhstan, Greece

For the rock we had to right all of the parts were the rockets. So these are all of the parts nose cane
payload, bod tube, recovery system, engine, launch lug, rooveay wadding, fins engine mount.

Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Inferring to the words and picture

LI: to figure out information from clues in a text.
What is inferring? Inferring is when you have a clue and you figure something in the clue.
We have to infer some of the words and we can infer from the picture. So I'm making connection with the things that you already know to help you infer from the clues in the text

Friday, 24 May 2019

Star dome

L.I At star dome it was like an our Inquiry.
Star dome it an plant muzem were you lean about plants. I lean that threre are gas in the sun.
I lean that Pluto is the samll plant in the would. I leant that lot of gas comes out fast and big.I leant that the soler syteam is are sun

End Result

Using a number line

L.I  To solve addition questions and attempt subtractions using place value number line.
If you do not no what is a questions use a number line if you can not figure.
We are counting in threes

Figured out the information

L.I To figured out the information from clues in text.
We are inferring from a picture. There were different inferring from a picture.
What we can figured out about the scene.
What we can figured out about  from the sentence.

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Being responsible

L.I Doing things  without being asked
T stands for Topic  so are Topic is Responsibility.
Are catch phrase: Kiwi can says responsible is what I am, and that the way of Kiwi can.
Define: Spoke as a group about the different responsible we have to define what being responsible is.
Activity: responsible wed 
Using skipping ropes, Balancing a ball by working together, once it was balance perform simple task by walking to a window with out dropping the ball.

Friday, 10 May 2019

Place value house

L.I How to make 1000 use the place value house.So when you are making a
three digit number. You have to have a 100, 10 and 1. So my number was
222. So you will need to put counts on and of your whiteboard. So first you
start with the one because we are moving to the left.  So you put 2 counts
on the place value house. What is 2's number bond its 8 so put 8 counts off the whiteboard. Then you are moving to the left. Now we are on are 10. You put 2 in the 10 cloums and you put in one more. Now its 3 so what is 3 number bond Its 7. You do the same to the 100, you had 2, now you have 3. Now its 3 so what is 3 number bond Its 7 , 222 + 778 = 1000.

Thursday, 9 May 2019

Verbs action

L.I  To Write instructions starting with verbs.
Verbs is an action like run.
Temps is five parts are. We are doing pictures and steps and the five temps wolds is,

- Title
-End result
- Materials
-picture and steps

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Mount Maunganui

L.I To lean geography of aotearoa.

Mount Maunganui is a mountain in Tauranga.
The Hunua and Waitakere ranges are mountains on Auckland. Patupaiarehe are fairies that lived on these mountains in Maori myths
I learned about the Patupaiarehe and mountains by listening to two stories, the legend of Mauoa and the Turehu wars. I learnt where the mountains are by looking on google maps.

Honesty in kiwi can

L.I To Define what honesty.

Them - Integrity
Topic - Honesty
Catch - Speak to me Truthfully that called Honesty

Role play In groups we were given a situation about honest. We needed to act out showing how to be honest.

1. cheating
2. change
3. walked
4. window.

So are scenario was change. So are shop keeper gave the wrong change to the customer and he gave the wrong change back.

Friday, 3 May 2019


For commmenting, I commend on vayan blog post about Moari.
I like the way he introduce him self in Moari.

Basic facts

L.1 To lern my basic facts
My time was 00:06:48 that was my best time that I got. I did it up to 5. I got each questions right but one rong. next time I wiil go up to 10.Next time I wiil think that my time will be 00:05:35 Mr Wong because he made this bascic facts for the L.S1 students.

SSR Selfie

L.1 For SSR Selfie my book was called wolfey.

In this book the chareters are Tom the rabbit and wolfey.

What happen in the book wofley dad died because he ran into a rock.
Nexst they became friend they played game and they went fishing.
Then they played this last ans wolfey scaered Tom the rabbit and he ran back to his house.
Last wolfey appolegse to tom the rabbit and they were friends agin.

Thursday, 2 May 2019

Place Vaule House/Maths

L.I Place value houses How doe is work
On thurday the secoend in the moring we started of with maths.For maths we were learning about place Vaule and pattens.First we started off with place vaule.We went on the website Our teacher told us some questions about place vaule and pattens.Only one digest number can change in the 3 digest number.

I learend what are patterns in place vaule and what is place vaule.
How I learend I leared by thinking about it first and listing to what my teacher is telling my group about what the words do and really means.

Here is my D.L.O.

In a boat

L.1 We need to thank Steve, Jr and Justin because they buy the boats for the panmure bridge school students sailing in.
Some students from panmure bridge school went to sailing and there were 18 students that went sailing.
First we had to make a boat but Justin demonstrate how to make a  sailing boat.
Next we had to put are wet suit on and we need to have it on for 2 hours
Then Jr  demonstrate how to put your boat in the water.
After we were sailing for 2  hours and we were sailing  to the sky tower.
Last Justin said we are playing a game.It when you get the balls.

Procedural text

L.1 To identify the structure of a procedural text.
This term we for writing we were learning about Procedural and a other word is instructions.
So we learnt about Temps and it a other word for  Procedural and instructions.  Instructions means that you have to follow instructions to make a paper thing. The 5 Procedural text parts,
1. Title
2. End Result
3. Materials
4. Pictures
5 steps

Connections to text.

We are connectionst text to self, text to text and text to world.
Text to self means like My mum has a string at home for sewing.
Then text to text means like I have read a book called Matariki.
 Text to world means like an example we can see chains on necklaces, gates, dog chains, fences shops like 2 Dollar shops.

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Mt Maurganui

L.1 The legend of Mt Maurganui tells us how
 Mt Maurganui got dragged to its current place.
Whaea Odie read us the story of Mt Maurganui. We use Google maps to find the place in the legend. We used Goggle Docs to remind us of the Maori words.