This week we had a duffy assembly. Some one came to our school to explian something.
The persoin name was marc. Marc explian about a story. The story was about a kid that can't read. Fred could read right to left. He was moved to a other school and he was bad thier to. When he was growing up he borrow some cars and he didn't give it back. So he was sent to prison. There was a teacher at prison. The teacher taught the Fred to read left to right. Once the Fred came out of prison he start boxing. Fred was the light wieght champion for 5 years. The he got kids. Then he moved to samoa. The wife ran into her cosin. Her cosin was about to get a ten baby. They said we should adopt the. They went back to samoa and take the baby. The boy fred is marc. He told us that you can do it not can't.