Friday 19 June 2020

Mass, length, and volume

This week for maths I learnt Mass, length, and volume. Mass is the amount of something.
Length is how long something is. Volume is the amount of space it takes up.

I solved six problems. Then I correct the problems using measuring cylinders, scales, and paper.

The equstion were 65 + 28 for paper, 93 - 34 for paper, 76 +37with scale 134 - 53with scale, 140 + 70 with water, and 210 - 60 with water.


  1. Hello Taua,

    I really like your understanding of mass, length and volume and how you described it. Out of mass, length, and volume, which one did you enjoy measuring the most and why?

    1. Hi Leon,

      I enjoyed reading your comment. My favorite is length because I know all the things connecting to length. What do you know about length?

    2. Hi Taua,

      I like your question about length. I know that length is measuring how long something is. What do you know about mass and volume?

    3. Hi Leon,

      I really like your question. I know that mass is the amount of something and volume is the amount of space it takes up. What else can you measure with?


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