Tuesday 4 August 2020

Rahi and the Patupairehe

LI: Sumerising.
This week I have been learning about summarizing.  We also we needed to visualising and infernencing to help us. We filled in a story web to sumarrise each part or the story.I used my visualising from week 1 to help seperate the parts of the story.

I used my characters inference trais to use adjictives and euidence to help summerise different parts. Using good adjctives to unlock meaningful information, and i can sumerise quicker. Connecting all three straights helps me to understand the story, characters and key words.


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  3. Greetings Taua

    I like how your used different reading strategies. What was your favourite part of the story?

    Keep up your work!

  4. Hi Chisa

    I enjoyed reading your comment. My favroit part about this story was the happy ending when Rahi played with the Patupairehes a game called Ki o Rahi. Have you ever used summarising strategy when reading?

  5. Thank you for the reply Taua!

    I have used summarising strategy before in different texts. Two books that I have summarised were Space food, and The Dippy Dinner Drippers. How did the other strategies help you summarise?


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