Monday 14 December 2020

SLG scavenger hunting

This week our task was treasure hunting for supplies. 

We watched a video about the nanogirl. In the video she said to look for things that we could use to make something.  Then we scavenger hunting. 

The thing we found were: Thick cardboard, water bottle, foil, rocks and two class with different weight. LI: to search for the required items.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Taua,

    Fiona here from the Summer Learning Journey. Well done on completing the first Nanogirl task and collecting all your materials! These materials will certainly help you build superhero powers over the summer...what do you think you might create with your materials? I'm looking forward to seeing what you create (-:

    I am so happy to see that you have signed up to participate in the Summer Learning Journey! Remember, if you check out some of the other bloggers’ Summer Learning Journey posts and leave a positive, thoughtful or helpful comment you will receive extra points! If you do this, remember to submit a link to your published comment using this form. .

    Ngā mihi nui and keep up the excellent work over the summer!
    Fiona (SLJ)


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